Friends of Mont St Michel

Dear Friends  of Mont St Michel,
Here it is, many years later, and all the elements of the Walk for me, are CONJUNCT!
How extraordinary to be able to say that — and FEEL it in my bones.
It has been QUITE the journey.
The Work stands on its own and retreats continue both in Chartres and near home at the Abbey of Mont St Michel; power vortexes of white light, allowing ‘accelerated growth’ for those who want that.
But personally having carved out a retreat space in the French countryside to live, to BE, to spend Silent time with mySelf, to garden, cook and commune?
It’s golden.
That  is now open and available for others who may be so inclined.
I’ll be in Europe/France starting next summer, for 3-4 months, then the next year, for 6 months, taking care of house and home there, and having it ready for visitors who want that kind of ‘off the grid’ back to nature pause it offers. So when visitors come? Off I go. It’s all yours.
The rest of the year, I’m in Ashland where I also love to BE with family and friends.

Some have been guests @home for one or two nights, with us there, via Airbnb, some of you have vacationed for a week, and others have been family and friends who’ve wanted to catch a glimpse of what it’s all about, owning a 250 year old stone house in France — from the early awkward days to now. Some have been local friends knocking on our door!

Really, it’s not such a big deal for Europeans, but it is HUGE for Americans.
It seems impossible to many — outside one’s reality. But in actuality, it’s just a plane ride away.
Right now, the site is in bare bones structure. But it’s up! It will blossom and flourish in time, just as the garden grows.
THIS world of connection, community, I can now share with you … from farm-to-table folks who come to France to learn and experience, across the spectrum to who wants a sanctuary retreat space to get off the grid of their lives.

This isn’t just for tourists wanting a week in our luminous region — though they are most welcome; it’s for friends who cherish the beauty of elements personified in form — in the simplest of ways.

I have a soul-art painting in the house, from an artist out of Mt. Shasta — called Stars to Stone. That is what this journey has been for me; up to my back teeth in mud and plaster, brushing every single stroke of French plaster onto stone to beautify a room — it’s been quite the birthing process.

Arc en Ciel is not glamorous. It is elemental. It’s comfortable with standard modern  conveniences from kitchen to wifi, mixed with Breton antiques and a garden that sings.
I invite each of you to discover the fullness of the offering, and let your people know.

May you be inspired by what is there for you!
