‘ … Where the Work is Out of This World.’
You have found You.
Soul Fusion is an Island of Light,
Dedicated to Presencing the Light Within You.
We offer highly distilled services for your journey.
The body of Work that is Soul Fusion has been delivered as individual sessions, workshops, apprenticeships and retreats for over 30 years.
Remote Soul Fusion sessions are available from home in Normandy.
Individual retreats are delivered ‘on the rock’ @ the Abbey of Mont St Michel. or in Chartres. Please note, going forward, if you are coming to the Abbey for the Work, you’ll be staying ‘on the rock’ itself; not in nearby accommodations. You’re here to dive in:) Less distraction is more.
One-on-one retreats provide opportunity for an opening to greater awareness and so, catalytic shift. Incremental living from the Light of your Soul only grows ~ and five days off the grid of your life provides a new platform for exponential return.
This happens by turning your focus inward, by directing focus to inner Work; so you can make changes in your 3D life to mirror your awareness.
If you are considering exploring the Work that is Soul Fusion, entry is through an initial Reading with Ani.
This one-hour reading is a one-off; a tune up, a checking-in, a seeking within for ‘that something’ just out of reach in your awareness, and introduces newcomers to what is available.
Time is of Essence.

Service Mondial Ashland, OR 97520 All Rights Reserved.