Soul Fusion Sessions

‘… Where the Work is Out of This World.’

Step into the Silence, in  your one-hour treatment on the table, in sheer light. These treatments are not therapy-centered. They are a ‘touch-in’ to the light within you. Your  story, the process you are within, is where the Work resides that lies ahead of you, to empower yourself from the light received. Come just as you are, to be in a deep Silence; to rejuvenate, relax, and re-set. Not uncommonly, you may gain insight, shift perspective – and want more:)

These  treatments allow you to soulfully exhale, get centered, and from there, go on about your day.  Sessions usually last an hour – sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. What follows is a quiet ‘bath of light’ for you to take home and immerse yourself within.

This is sacred ground.

You’re welcome to return as you like. To schedule, email [email protected].

Exchange 100, 

Therapy-inclusive/Personal Growth/Life Coach Consulting are a part of the five day retreat.

Long-distance Soul Fusion sessions are available in a block of three, remotely.