The Chartres Retreat

Chartres Cathedral
Labyrinth of Chartres
Chartres Cathedral
Altar of the Madonna, Chartres Cathedral
Labyrinth of Chartres

The Chartres Retreat is scheduled for June 2022, in the gathering light of the full moon.   

We are all still navigating the pandemic but I can say after two journey to France this pandemic-year, including Chartres, the doors are open and safe, though you are required not only by the travel industry but within registration as well, to be fully vaccinated. 

Nothing makes my heart & soul sing more deeply, broadly, truly, than being present for The Chartres Retreat. For me, it is ‘home port’ on Earth. And whenever I turn focus and attention to Chartres, nothing compares. It takes my breath away.

It has been such an honor with each and every individual who’s come in over these last 25 years. There have been many. In fact, I can’t count that total.

What’s astounding to me, is I remember  each ‘book opened’ ~ for what was revealed, what was witnessed, and what Is, in the midst of all that.

The Story we each and all hold is so complex and ancient. I’m the last one to know what will come forward once we open into the sacred space and high frequency Chartres provides.  But every time, new choices arise. Possibilities are born. Choice-points offered for you.

Throughout the pages of Soul Fusion, and if you’ve come in for the Work you already know, this is catalytic work. It is deep, strong and true. It is indeed, not for dilettantes, though truth be told, they too come through the doors!

For me, the invitation is come if you truly want the change you have been seeking. This doesn’t mean it’s handed to you. It means your gained insights open opportunities for you to make changes in your life, discovered by virtue of the Work you are within.  

The 20th, Day One, is a Monday. You’ll want to arrive in Chartres at least 24 hours beforehand to settle in. If you’ve been before, you may well choose to come in earlier still.

On Friday the 24th, the labyrinth will be open and available for you to walk, followed by the ascending full moon and into the light we go.

Use this time to gather your ducks, set course, mark the destination, and work toward arrival with the over-lighting Presence of Chartres by your side.

Check the logistics page for full details.

It promises to be enlightening.

I will meet you there.

