I have long held that the only thing really going on, on this Earth?
Is the Work in the World.

I have dedicated my life to that purposeful unfoldment.

Anyone who knows me, knows this.

In all its forms, the Work through Service Mondial/Numina

revolves around a central theme: Soul Fusion — living a soul-infused reality.

This is a core commitment to growth for those who are on the Path.

Each form — whether a session of Soul Fusion, a retreat in Chartres

— a Sacred Site Tour of and with the Awakened Feminine — learning the art of spiritual healing in the apprenticeship — each form serves to open the Soul to that something greater than one’s self.

All is unto that end: the shifting of consciousness; the bringing down of the Light; the opening to receptivity TO that Light, and thus to a better life being lived — for all.

Where are you on that spiral?
Are you caught in the wound?
Healing the Shame?
Are you gaining ground, seeking newly, listening within?
Are you exploring consciousness and holding the Light?
Are you living purposefully — from the latest increments of awakedness born?
Is Service alive on the spiral you are ascending?

One’s Work, to incrementally gather and demonstrate this on a day to day basis — your Work — finding what blocks the Light and so what opens it — DEMONSTRATING that awareness — is what turns the key to your better life.

How do you give back?

This is a give-away.

Your donation here is something you are aligned with that you know can serve others.

It is a silent current that runs underneath and within the Work in the World, no matter who, what or where.

This isn’t about accolades or rewards or public acknowledgements.
There is only the constant pulse of availability of the Work in the World — by your hand.

This has ever been so.

Do you have a place in supporting this?

Your financial contribution is utterly confidential, and totally supports building the infrastructure on the European continent,

As each of you have experienced, once in the door, once opening to receive the gift of light that Soul Fusion brings, shift happens, and change – healing, resolution, new choices for a better life – ensues.

If you have been touched by the Work, have gained and grown, and would like to support SOUL FUSION so that others may easily find it, donate your contribution here.

If you have not yet experienced the Work personally but want to support Light on Earth, welcome to Service Mondial/Numina:

NeXus for the Light of Purposeful Living.
