There’s a way that having someone reflect back to you, mirror for you, and Be Present with You while you discern, is a huge assist.

I’ve veered away from life coaching, and counseling for one main reason! There is an underlying misconception that someone else can do it for you — or — is doing it for you (pedestal and post scenario); it’s inherently built into all kinds of structures — someone who can give you the answers so you know what to do. But actually, it’s you who has those answers.

It does not create a co-dependence or an enabling — far from it! But it can create a type of dependence which is counter productive to the purpose of the Work.

A  best way to empower another, is to hold space, illuminate what’s at Work in that given moment in time, and release the all of that, back to the Being to Be within.

In this light, I’ve set up ANSWERS. Connect, communicate, lay out your piece, your question, to discover perhaps what is right below your awareness to consider. Anytime. For everyone, no matter where they are on the spiral. So tell your buddies who are stuck in the mud of their lives.

ANSWERS are scheduled 30 minute calls. Email your request, give me 2 possible times, tell me where you are on the planet, and I’ll get right back to you.

EXCHANGE:  $75, prepaid via Paypal to: [email protected].